Some time ago
Country Living featured vintage sand pails in its "what's it worth" section. I had no idea they could be so valuable. Of course now that I've found my first vintage sand pail, I can't for the life of me find that issue of
Country Living in my piles of old magazines. Does anyone remember that issue and know the month? Oh well. (Update!
Kate found it--it's the August 2008 issue, which I finally found in my piles, and they estimate their value at around $30 - $1,000. Thanks, Kate!) This
encyclopedia of sand pails could probably help me estimate its value, but I think I'm just going to give it to my nephew anyway. He's having a pirate themed birthday party in two weeks, and this would look really cute with something in it for display--maybe just filled with sand to hold the pirate flag I'm sending as well. I bought the pail a few weeks ago at
that estate sale where I also bought the beautiful silk dress. Ahoy, matey! Isn't it so cute? And for just $3 dollars!

I searched for vintage pails online, mostly
on ebay, and the prices are all over the place. The bids range from a few dollars to $75+. (Some of them are so cute, too, you should
go look.) Also, I found some at here at a place called
Ruby Lane that all range from $40 - $75. The prices here at
Huxtons go all the way up to $190! I figure the prices vary depending on maker, design, year and condition. From what I've read, it sounds like Chein and the Ohio Art company's pails are the most valuable and sought after. Mine is made by the MFG company.
Shabby Vintage Mom also wrote a good post about vintage sand pails a while back, which you can read
The top old photo is from littlebird2009 on flickr.
I LOVE your pail♥♥ What a great find! If I come across that issue in Country Living I'll let you know :)
It's so cute!! I think I remember seeing that article but couldn't tell you when. Do they have an online site to search? This is totally out there but I bet you could call them and they could tell you.
SO lovely! It reminds me of spending summers on the shores of Lake Michigan when you wanted nothing more than to dig the biggest hole in the sand possible. I'm so thrilled to have come across your lovely blog and have added you to my blog roll over at Urban Flea. Cheers my dear!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)
Such a cute pail. Who would ever have guessed that a small part of our past would sell for soooo much? I wonder what we have in our everyday homes that will someday become collectable...may VCR's..who could guess?
So strange! I just came across your blog last night- so cute!!!
I got in bed with a few old magazines and came across the vintage sand pails article- I couldn't believe it!!
August 2008. Let me know if you want the info :)
Thanks Kate! I have the August 08 issue and just found the article!
OH!OH!OH! My heart just flutters when I see little pails like this...such a flash back to childhood and playing in the sand for days upon days and being happy with just a little metal pail. Sigh.
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