I've put myself on bedrest for the weekend. I've had a few more terrible nights of back pain, nausea and no sleep. I thought if I stay still during the day and don't move around too much that it might help me sleep at night. We'll see. My doctor said I'm making progress towards labor--2cm dilated on Friday, and I've started having contractions, and I have a few other tell tale signs that labor is most likely approaching soon. I'll be so happy if the little bundle decides to come a few days early! My uncle painted the painting you see above. It's at my mom's house. I love it. I think it's a copy of something, but I'm not sure what. Last night I thought of it when I was struggling to get comfortable. I turned on the ambient sounds on my iPhone to try to help me sleep. There's a birds option, but I chose crickets last night. I laid there thinking of this painting. I also tried to remind myself to be grateful--grateful for the baby to come, for the 6 pillows I have to help me get comfortable (I love pillows and they make such a big difference to my pregnant belly!), for the fact that I don't have to work right now, and for the husband who will rub my back and bring me anything (he even put the baby monitor next to me so I could ask for things from the baby room, where I've been staying, so that I don't have to get up). I thought about so many pregnant women, especially single moms to be, who may not have these things. I finally fell asleep at about 7AM today.
I truly expected to be put on bedrest last week when I was having slight contractions at 34 weeks--instead, they sent me home with our new baby! Hard to believe I was so worried about a little bedrest inconvenience, and in the end we could've had a horrible scare. Enjoy this last time to dream for your baby, and I know we'll all be excited for you when you're no longer pregnant, but holding your little one! Bedrest is funner when your baby shares it with you, I'm finding... :)
Oh sweet girl, I'm so sorry you're not sleeping good...this is such a hard time in pregnancy...five times for this ol' gal!!! What was I thinking?? But I so love my boys.....You are such a sweetheart for thinking of others and their pregnancies...all I can say is just rest as much as you can, WHEN you can....so you'll be ready for the birth of your sweet angel ~ xxoo, Dawn
oh yes... bleck! uncomfortable. i'm sure it just the body trying to prepare you for the lack of sleep soon to come but it's still a yucky feeling. i remember for the last week at home the only place i was comfy was in the bath!
i am getting just a wee bit excited don't you know?
Oh, but so worth it all in the end!
Hope you feel better and best of luck to you and your baby!
Oh no, I am so sorry you can't sleep! How terrible, but how wonderful to have Andrew to help you, I know he is being so considerate and great to you now, you are a lucky, lucky girl. I can't wait to meet he new Metcalf.
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