Friday 7 March 2014


Lately I've had the urge to hit the fabric store, but then I look at my pile of unfinished projects and tell myself I have no business buying anything new! In general I'm much better at starting something than finishing and it often drives me crazy. Last week my desire for new fabric for a new project thrusted me into sewing mode. Before setting foot in a fabric store I was determined to finish at least one thing. I made a round cushion that I started a while back and now I'm finishing the Miette skirt, which I started last fall. I only need to finish the waistband and hem so I hope to post that next. It's looking really cute! But until then I thought I'd show you the little cushion.
I loosely used the pattern in Granny Chic. I say loosely because the pattern didn't really make sense to me, not all of it anyway and they don't list how many strips to use, though by looking at the image you can guess. My strips seemed to be way to long. I'm terrible at even basic math sometimes and make silly errors, so of course it could be my fault, but Caroline's instructions here made more sense to me. If you can do some basic sewing, you can probably just wing it. I had some blue strips of Liberty fabric from a fabric bundle my mom gave me and knew I wanted to use that since our room is taking on a blue and white theme. I love blue and white together! Lots of my blue and white inspiration here.
I think it turned out nicely, and I really like the striped fabric I mixed in and actually wish I had added more of it. Our bed really needed a new cushion and now it has one. I'd like to mix it with a few other cushions, but one thing at a time...skirt sewing is next. 


Shortbread and Ginger said...

Love your cushion - the blue and white fabrics are lovely!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

ALoadofOldTat said...

What a lovely plump cushion.

Patchwork Harmony said...

Hey Leigh - glad my post helped a bit! I didn't quite understand the granny chic pattern either so that's why I kinda combined it with the one in the liberty book & winged it a little! ;) yours looks gorgeous, lovely colors x x

sharon said...

Wow, your cushion looks fantastic. I've always wanted to make one, but thought it would be too hard. Maybe I should give it a go.
Oh yes, I'm very good at starting projects and not finishing them, but somehow I still have the need to go to the fabric store. A little inspiration and motivation from new fabrics never does any harm!

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