I'm a few days behind with Lois' 7 month birthday pictures, but it was worth the wait. I wanted to wait until we were here to put her in her bathing suit for her first dip in the pool (an itty bitty pool with about 2 inches of water). Aren't baby bathing suits the cutest things ever? I almost bought her a yellow polka dot bikini, but I didn't want her little belly to get too much sun. So we went with a one piece heart print suit. Here she is in my mom's backyard yesterday. It was so much fun! She also had her first swing on the swing set and her first slide at the playground (with grandma holding her). A day of firsts.

It's been a few weeks since I posted these 7 month birthday pictures, but I realized that every time I post her monthly birthday pictures, I'm in a hurry for some reason, and I never mention her developments. I have a feeling I'll regret that later, so I decided to start mentioning those too. This was the first birthday photo shoot where Lois could actually sit up on her own. She's sitting up really well now and only falls over after a few minutes or when she tries to grab something. It's so much easier now to take her picture. Before I'd be holding one arm, and quickly let go to take a picture, then grab her arm again so she wouldn't fall over! She's also waving lately. I think it's intentional sometimes, but she's probably just interested in her arm and hand. She's rolling all over the place, and she also scoots up on her feet with her behind in the air but manages to move backward more than forward. It's really cute, and we call her "scooter" lately. She also does this thing where she makes a sound like ahhhhhhh and moves her hand, balled in a fist, over her mouth in an up and down motion, which makes a wa, wa, wa sort of sound. Every day is exciting with Lois. It's so fun to see her learn and grow.
Leigh ~ She is sooo cute! I love her little swimsuit! I remember my sons first ride on the swing and how much fun that was. He is almost 4 now and still only wants to ride in the baby bucket swing ;)
What a serious cutie!!! Happy 7 month birthday! xo
Those are just the most squeezable little legs! And I forgot to mention that little dress from states street. It really is beautiful. I'm glad you're keeping it. Happy birthday Lois!
Lisa & Alfie
these are so sweet. happy birthday little L! xoxox
it is lovely to see her grow. so cute.
Chubby baby arms make my ovaries tingle. ;) Happy birthday Lois!
Sophia has her first yellow polka dot bikini but she is 11. She reminds me that it is not teeny weeny. It is according to her dad!! These are darling. I have pictures of Tray at that age from behind naked in a galvanized bucket. The cutest!
OH! I remember those days so well, how sweet!
Also, I have an award for you back on my blog, stop by and grab it!
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