Our little bundle was born yesterday, the 10th at 7:08AM, weighing 6lbs, 13ozs. She's beautiful, and we're so happy she's here. My contractions started the night before at around 6PM. At midnight we called the hospital and went over the timing and strength of my contractions, and the nurse told me to head to the hospital to get checked. When I got there I was 5cm, and the nurse said that bought me a ticket to labor and delivery. Although we brought our hospital bag and were prepared to stay, as soon as she said I was staying, I wanted to go back home! I started to get a little scared of the whole process. I tried to labor naturally until about 3AM but the pain became unbearable for me, so I asked for an epidural when I was close to 7cm. From about 5AM until 6AM they let us rest, and the contractions stayed steady, but after the epidural I didn't feel them. Then the nurse came back at about 6AM to check me and said I was ready to push. I was really surprised how quickly things were moving along. I pushed until 6:45 when the nurse said we'd stop pushing through a few contractions. She said she needed to go get the doctor because the baby's head was crowning. She said she could deliver a baby if she had to but didn't want to! I was thinking, wow, the baby's really about to come out. The doctor came in and asked me to give two sets of 5 pushes instead of the rounds of 10 we had be doing, and out she came! It all seemed to go by so fast. They brought her to the warming table to get cleaned up and checked, and then they brought her over to me. It was love at first sight. Here we are--both tired and teary eyed.
What an angel Leigh!!!! Oh congratulations sweet girl...I'm so happy for you all ~ I know you're completely in love ~ kiss Lois on the head for me!! xxoo, Dawn
Leigh, when do you go home? Are you there already?
She is just beautiful.
Lisa & Alfie
Congratulations!!! She is so sweet.
It has been a wonderful blessing to follow along on your journey! Congratulations and welcome, Lois. You have a fanclub already.
Congrats!! Glad it went well! She's just beautiful.
Congratulations! You're both so lovely!
Leigh -
I am so happy to hear that you are both healthy & happy! She is absolutely darling.
When you are ready for visitors, let me know!
Love to you both and Andrew too!
just reading that made ME teary and tired.
Awww, congrats, she's an angel!
i've been checking in on your blog every so often, and esp when you were very nearly due. congratulations! she looks lovely. wishing you strength of body and mind, calmness and joy, always joy.
oh my goodness... Lois is the sweetest, cutest name and therefore absolutely perfect for her.
i am all teary after reading your story. well done both of you!!!
Good job, Leigh!
You two are just perfect.
Lois' little face is just too sweeeeeeet, and you look serene and very mommyish and full o' luv.
Many congrats to the whole family!
Aloha Leigh...
Congrats on little Lois.
And adorable bundle with an equally adorable name.
Welcome to the world Lois the Libra... YAY...
(cause I am one too... 13th)
Congratulations and Best Wishes from Willow Manor!! She is just perfect and looks a lot like you!
Lois is such a wonderful name! :)
CONGRATULATIONS! ENJOY your beautiful bundle!
What a radiating face you have.
Hope you can enjoy the time.
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