Today I finished and shipped my Anthropologie holiday order--1,264 cards. I have mixed feelings about letting go of all those cards. It took me more than two months to make them, mainly because I'm slow, but also because these required a lot of cutting and gluing, and more cutting and gluing, and then more cutting and gluing. I feel like a mom who had the kids around all summer and today was the first day of school: I'm glad they're gone. But I miss them. I hope they're doing okay. And I'm not sure what to do with myself now that they're gone. People ask me if I get tired of making cards. I definitely get tired of making them. It's repetitive and fairly boring as you can probably imagine. But as I make them what keeps me going is thinking about all the people who will buy them and write on them--I picture all the different kinds of handwriting, different color ink, all the words: I love you, I miss you, wish you were here . . . etc. Then the best part is seeing them in stores. The first time I saw my cards in a store, the first store that ever ordered, I felt like a singer who heard their song on the radio for the first time. Very satisfying. Getting the check in the mail isn't too bad either.

That is very cool that you are selling cards to Anthropologie. I will keep an eye out for them for sure!
I only swore off my blog temporarily because I've just started a 3 week mathcamp (ugh) before I start gradschool and I really need to focus on that. Glad you are reading though and I hope to be back at it after the weekend.
Yaaaay, Leigh!! Look at all those handmade cards! I wish I could see you Saturday, Cindy will be working....your mom says you guys have a lot of fun stuff planned. I hope you have a wonderful visit. xxoo, Dawn
awesome job~ so exciting!!
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