We STILL don't have internet and won't until the 23rd. Our place is a complete mess! We've unpacked all the boxes, but there's still stuff everywhere. I'm just not sure where to put it all, and I feel like I just keep moving piles around. We also ordered some big things from Ikea, like the Ektorp sofa, but one of the parts is wrong so it's in a huge pile in the living room until we get the right part. Poop. The weather's been very nice though so I've been spending some time out back. I like to watch the sun go down as planes fly above. It's nice looking up outdoors, and I think things will start to look up indoors as well.

Moving can be so hard. You'll be settled soon. Glad to know you've had good weather!!!
i keep looking for you on chat! miss you. xo
Amazing in this day and age that the powers that be cannot get you quick internet access! We move on March 30th and our internet will take up tp ten days. Mad.
I sympathise with all the upheaval around you - we'll be there soon but I now have three BIG children so more crap.
Leigh, Congratulations on your move. sorry its ben so crazy! I just wanted to let you know how inspired I have been by reading your blog. it is simple, fresh and lovely. i did a little post on it today:
Your photography moves me!
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