Fall is my favorite season, and I love fall colors, so it's always really fun for me to make a little table display for the season. I bought some little pumpkins and squash and put them in this pedestal bowl, but they lacked something, so I added some chestnuts and pomegranates and now I think it looks simple and pretty. I'm looking forward to making pomanders (clove oranges), like
this, but with different designs like stripes and dots rather than covering the entire orange. They smell so good! I like to make about 5 of them and put a candle in the center. A very pretty display for Thanksgiving. How do you display fall at your house?

Hi! I'm all about the white pumpkins with touches of brown and a little red too! I love the pomegranates that you mixed in! I love to make clove pomanders too...and agree they really make your home smell wonderful! I loved this post! Have a great weekend.
Take care,
cute. i need to rework the outside containers. i need mums.
Pretty! I haven't decorated yet...Tomorrow I think is the day for that. I have a few vintage seasonal things and then some fun spooky things that Oliver loves like skeletons and bats and such...it will be fun :)
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