Wednesday 6 May 2009

Wallpaper Projects

Our friends Lauren and Derek wrote a great new craft book on, you guessed it, wallpaper projects. The book is filled with so many fun craft projects, and of course they scouted some amazing wallpaper for the book--designs both new and vintage. And guess who's thanked in the acknowledgments? Moi! I know. I couldn't believe it either. My name in a real book! I felt so special when I saw that. Really, though, I just helped out by working at their shop and had nothing to do with the actual book. I'd like to make something out of it though. You should too.


littlebyrd said...

They have such a great shop - how fun to have helped out working there. Totally cool being mentioned in a book too!

Lisa & Alfie said...

Having someone you can trust at the helm so you can get important projects done is priceless. Of course you are mentioned. I definitely want to look at this book. i am trying to decide if I want to wallpaper or chalkboard the inside of my kitchen cabinets, the ones on your left as you walk in.
Lisa & Alfie

Lauren said...

I couldn't agree with you more Lisa! Leigh helped us out a ton while we were making the book, and we can't thank her enough!

House of Slappy said...

I'm in LOVE with the wallpaper on the cover of the book. Great choice!