Our latest kitchen toy: A
Gaggia espresso machine (bought on ebay). We got rid of our coffee maker and are going full espresso. Andrew has become quite the barista! Espresso, latte, cappuccino, macchiato--whatever your pleasure, he'll happily make it. Here's a round of espressos in the tiny
Bodum glasses. I love these glasses. You can use them for hot and cold drinks, but the best part to me is how the interior glass cradles the drink. I think drinks always taste better when they're served in a beautiful glass!
Yummo! Looks so delish....You are such a blogger chick!! I have you in my bloglines.com feed and always see that you post so frequently. Did you see my recent post about becoming a dealer at The Plum Tree. Tell mom. I so hate it that she's leaving but understand completely. I want to be home to create. It's too bad we live a zillion miles apart. We could make things together, girl! Hope you and your hubby are doing well. xxoo, Dawn
Excellent coffee - at home too! When we go away - even into bush camps - our espresso machine is packed and comes with!
Really love the photograph on top, heart those glasses too!
Oh how cool, he is qutie the gourmond isn't he, (please don't think less of me that I catn spllell, I shuck at ti, dom't you nowe). Love ing your pics lately, great stuff, love your hats, so cute.
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